We want you: Nominations open for VFF Issues Advisory Committees

Nominations have opened for VFF members to serve on the VFF Issues Advisory Committees for the next two years.

The VFF Issues Advisory Committees (IACS) are responsible for driving our policy and advocacy agenda on the issues that impact all farmers. You can click here to view more information regarding the areas of responsibility for each Issues Advisory Committee.

Nominations for the following IACs will close on Friday 9 February 2024:

  • Farm Business & Transport Committee
  • Farming Systems Committee
  • Planning, Environment & Climate Change Committee
  • Workforce & Social Policy Committee
  • Water Council

All nominations will be considered by the VFF Policy Council which will decide on committee appointments at its scheduled meeting on Thursday 29 February 2024. This will be the changeover date for all committee member terms.


The nomination form for the Issues Advisory Committees (including Water Council Chair) can be downloaded here.

The nomination form for Water Council regional representative positions can be downloaded here.

Completed nomination forms must be returned to retuningofficer@vff.org.au by 5:00pm Friday 9 February 2024.


Each committee’s membership is made up of a Chair and up to five (5) members – save for the Water Council which has a Chair and 11 regional representatives. The Policy Council may appoint additional members to committees where it deems it necessary.

Committee members are required to be members of the VFF with full voting rights. Bronze level and associate members are not eligible for appointment / election.

Members may not serve on a committee where they have served four (4) consecutive terms as a member, or as chair of a committee where they have served four (4) consecutive terms in that role. The Policy Council may at its discretion waive this requirement where there remains a vacancy.

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for IACs and their areas of responsibility are available from the VFF website.

Water Council

Water Council positions (except for the position of Chair) are determined by a direct member election process. Where more than one nomination is received for a regional representative position, an election will be held.

Any elections will be conducted as an online ballot with voting to open on Tuesday 13 February 2024 and close on Wednesday 28 February 2024.

Where there is a vacancy for a regional representative position, members will be invited to make an application to be appointed to the vacancy as soon as possible so it can be considered at the February Policy Council meeting.