We’re excited to share with you the VFF’s General Policy Platform. It provides a record of the policy positions adopted and agreed to by Victorian farmers and is the culmination of a rigorous policy setting process undertaken by the VFF Policy Council, its Issues Advisory Committees and the VFF Commodity Policy Councils.

Covering our key focus areas of farm business, farming systems, planning/ environment/ climate change, water, transport/ infrastructure and workforce, it’s a living document that will evolve as the VFF and our members continue to grapple with and respond to the issues of the day.

VFF members ultimately determine the policy platform of the organisation and are welcome to influence our position through the policy setting structures of the organisation. Robust engagement with the issues is important to ensuring that VFF is reflective of the farming community we represent.

We invite you to please take the time to read through and encourage you to keep engaging with the VFF to ensure your views are taken into consideration for the future.

Click here to read the VFF’s General Policy Platform.