People, Vehicles & Equipment

Stock Sense » Resources and Factsheets » Farm Biosecurity » People, Vehicles & Equipment

4. People, Vehicles & Equipment

Anything entering your property can pose a risk to your livestock. This is why it’s important to keep a record of all activity in and out of your property.

Never assume that visitors know the appropriate biosecurity measures for your property. Anyone who refuses to clean vehicles, equipment and boots, or cannot demonstrate that their clothing is clean should be refused entry.


Workers and visitors can unintentionally carry diseases, pests and weeds onto your property. Suppliers, vets, transporters, stock agents, consultants, itinerant workers, researchers and contractors should follow processes to ensure they’re clean before entering.

To limit these risks:

  • Limit entry points to access the property
  • Make sure you always know who is on your property by recording all movements on and off your property
  • Use clear signage to direct visitors to registration and cleaning facilities
  • Visitor boots should be cleaned upon entering the property in a wash-down bay
  • Limit visitor contact with livestock
  • Disinfect hands before and after coming into contact with livestock, plant material or soil
  • Ensure all your staff are familiar with the basic symptoms associated with a pest or disease outbreak and know how to report them
An example biosecurity sign. Click here to find more information on biosecurity signs and templates.

You may also create a designated parking area and transport visitors around your property in your own vehicle. 


Vehicle tyres, undercarriages, grills, floors and trays can carry diseases, pests and weeds in soil, plant material and manure. It is important to ensure all vehicles that visit your property are clean and well maintained. 

  • Establish a vehicle high pressure wash down facility with a sump to collect waste water well away from livestock. If a sump isn’t possible, ensure waste water run away from livestock pens, paddocks and waterways
  • Follow any wash down with a broad spectrum disinfectant. This will further reduce the risk of introducing less visible threats like bacteria, viruses, and spores onto your property.

Make sure to inspect vehicle entry and exit points for potential risks, in relation to distance to livestock.


Storage containers, tools and feeding equipment can also carry diseases, pests or weeds. Equipment used in infected or infested areas should not be reused in clean areas, and vice versa. It is particularly important that any husbandry equipment exposed to a diseased animal is cleaned and disinfected before it is used on other livestock.

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