Stock Sense » Resources and Factsheets » FACT SHEET GUDAIR® NEEDLE STICK INJURIES


Ovine Johne's Disease (OJD) is a very important disease to Victorian sheep producers, as it can have a significant effect on the health and welfare of their sheep, and hence their ability to trade. Vaccination is a key component of a lot of sheep producers’ management strategies, however when using the GUDAIR vaccine for prevention of OJD there are a few essential safety points that all producers need to be aware of especially in case of a needle stick injury. GUDAIR is a vaccine that is designed for application to animals, and to have a long-lasting effect in those animals. Because of these features and the composition of the vaccine, it can have a very harmful effect on humans if it is accidently injected or if you get it in your eyes or mouth.

Prevention is always better than cure, so when using GUDAIR (or any other oil based vaccine such as VIBROVAX or PILLIGARD), use proper precautions, such as ensuring animals are properly restrained, removing needles with pliers, disposing of needles in an appropriate container and always using a shrouded applicator such as a SEKURUS Safety Vaccinator. However, if you do become exposed to GUDAIR® please follow these procedures: (to the right of this column)

If GUDAIR® gets on your lips, or in your mouth or eyes:

If GUDAIR gets on your skin:

If you inject yourself with GUDAIR, suffer a needle-stick injury with a needle that has been used with GUDAIR, or if you expose broken skin to GUDAIR:

Needle stick injuries must be medically assessed to determine whether surgical intervention is required, so it’s imperative that individuals with these injuries are referred to an appropriate surgeon (referred by your GP) as soon as possible. It is also important to check that your tetanus immunisation status is up to date.

Vaccination for prevention of OJD in sheep is such an important component of sheep health and welfare management; so please don’t be apprehensive about incorporating the practice into your business. However, it is very important that all safety measures are employed, and in the case of injury be sure to take swift and appropriate action.

For more information, please contact Stock Sense on email at stocksense@vff.org.au



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