The Presidents of Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF), United Dairy Farmers of Victoria (UDV) and Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) have announced a settlement in the legal dispute over VFF UDV’s membership of ADF.
The settlement will see VFF UDV remaining a member of ADF working collaboratively for the benefit of Victoria’s dairy farmers.
Comments attributable to VFF UDV President Bernie Free:
“The resolution of this dispute between the VFF UDV and ADF is both welcome and long-awaited.”
“During this period VFF UDV and ADF have continued to collaborate in good faith, serving farmers on ADF’s National Council and Policy Advisory Groups.”
“However, it will be reassuring for all in industry to have this settled in recognition of what dairy farmers really want, which is for us to get on with the business of dealing with the issues affecting dairy farmers.”
“VFF UDV and ADF are looking forward to collaborating on ways to grow and improve both organisations’ connection to dairy farmers, with the goal of a more effective and sustainable future.”
Comments attributable to VFF President Brett Hosking:
“This partnership represents the beginning of a new era for VFF where in-fighting has ended and the focus has shifted to outcomes for members.”
“I want to thank the team at ADF for meeting collaboratively with VFF to reach this exciting opportunity.”
“Peak bodies play an enormous role in protecting and growing opportunities for our farmers.”
“Whether it be trade, biosecurity or protecting our research and development levies, it is vital that Victorian farmers are represented on issues that impact their businesses.”
“VFF will continue to engage and look for opportunities to ensure the representation our members enjoy nationally is as effective as possible.”
Comments attributable to ADF President Ben Bennett:
“It has been a challenging time for all, and I am relieved we have finally reached both an amicable resolution and agreement to work together in good faith.”
“The critical issue now is to focus on our core business and the path forward. That includes ensuring grass roots dairy farmers have certainty regarding the financial sustainability and autonomy of their representative bodies to champion dairy farmer issues.”
“Victoria represents 64% of Australian milk production, so it is critical we are united and working together. That is especially true given the shrinking milk pool, where Australia is now a net importer of dairy.”
“ADF and VFF UDV have agreed to work cooperatively and cohesively on dairy policy, representation, and membership activities.”
“This will benefit both organisations and help us deliver for the dairy farmers of Victoria and, by extension, Australia as a whole.”