
Recycled Water

Policy » Water » Recycled Water

Using Recycled Water in Agriculture

Agriculture is a key user of recycled water in Victoria, particularly in peri-urban irrigation areas. Recycled water is water derived from sewage treatment systems or industrial uses. With increased competition for available water resources between users, recycled water use will be key to ensuring peri-urban irrigators continue to have access to a secure recycled water resource.

Opportunity exists across Victoria to increase the use of recycled water. The VFF supports government investment in recycled water schemes where the quality and price of the available water can support viable agricultural enterprises.

Current users of recycled water must be provided water of a quality and price that allows them to continue to farm productively and profitably. The VFF Water Council supports members where issues of recycled water quality or supply exist.

Further Information

For further information about the VFF’s water policy and advocacy, VFF members can call the VFF Policy Team on 1300 882 833 or email

Hinterland Environmental Water Scheme

The VFF advocated for funding to complete a feasibility study on the Hinterland Environmental Water Scheme.

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