Improving the Efficiency of Our Networks
Effective freight and transport regulation and networks are critical for the productivity and safety of the Victorian agricultural industry.
According to CSIRO TranSIT modelling, total annual transport costs the agricultural industry $5.8 billion each year, with supply chains costs often accounting for the single largest cost in agricultural production. High transport costs have a direct impact on of Victorian farmers, and threaten the global competitiveness of Australian agriculture. The VFF works across the supply chain to improve the efficiency of freight and transport networks.
Improved road regulation
Improved road regulation has the potential to substantially reduce agricultural logistics costs. The VFF actively advocates for permanent and seasonal changes to Federal, State and Local Government transport regulations to make it easier for produce, machinery and stock on our roads.
Recent wins include:
- Increased permissible agricultural machinery dimensions (approximately 80% of agricultural machinery does not require a permit).
- Expansion of the road train network including local road access in Mildura Rural City Council.
- Tracked and half tracked tractors are now permissible on Victorian roads.
Fit for purpose road networks
The VFF advocates for Victoria’s road network to be maintained and upgraded to a level that allows farmers to efficiently and safely get their product from farm to market.
Victoria needs strategic, long-term investment in rural and regional road maintenance and a shift away from the current approach that involves patching up roads when they have already degraded to an unacceptable standard.
Much of Victoria’s country road network was established more than a century ago and many roads no longer perform the function for which they were designed. It is critical road design can accommodate the requirements of modern agricultural machinery and high productivity freight vehicles.
The VFF works with local, state and federal governments to ensure the unique requirements of agricultural are accommodated.
Modern rail freight networks
An efficient and competitive rail freight network is vital for transporting freight to port. The VFF have strongly advocated for the revitalisation of Victoria’s rail freight network including the critical Murray Basin Rail Project and the standardisation of the Maroona-Portland line.
Further Information
For further information about the VFF’s policy and advocacy, VFF members can call the VFF Policy Team on 1300 882 833 or email