
Land Access

Policy » Environment & Planning » Land Access

Understanding Your Rights

The VFF has developed a number of resources to help landholders understand their rights when access to their land is sought and to encourage good practice on the part of those seeking access.

The VFF has a short guide on general land access principles and have developed detailed guides on land access for mining and pipelines in conjunction with relevant industry groups.

VFF is currently working with the energy sector regarding major powerline easements and were successful in ensuring minor utility line connections (sometimes 30 to 50km long) are now subject to planning permits and landholder notice.

The VFF Land Access Information Sheet provides guidance on what to do when  someone wants to use your land.

Mining and Gas – Land Access Guide

Farming and mining are both vital for the Victorian economy and rural employment. The VFF is working to identify opportunities to improve mining regulation in Victoria. We encourage all primary industries to consider how the different sectors can work together for mutual benefit of each party and regional communities

It is important that support is available to help farmers work with mining and exploration companies, and that mining and exploration companies better understand how to minimise their impact on farms.

The VFF has partnered with the Minerals Council of Australia to develop a guide to help farmers navigate the Sustainable Development Act 1990 and to understand their rights. To find out more, including about consent and compensation, please download the document below.

Introduction to Victoria’s Mineral Resources Act 1990 (PDF)

Onshore Gas

The strongest voice and recognition from the VFF to the State Government was to ban fracking and extend the moratorium on conventional onshore gas exploration in Victoria. In March 2017, the State Government amended legislation that banned fracking and extended the onshore gas moratorium until June 2020.

The VFF will continue to review its position on onshore gas exploration and mining that is consistent and balanced with the available science, the views of farmers who may be directly impacted, and the need for reliable and affordable energy.

VFF Managing Entry to Farms Policy

Further Information

For further information and advice about the VFF’s land access advocacy, VFF members can call the VFF Policy Team on 1300 882 833 or email

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