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Hydatids are the large cysts from the dog tapeworm. Their importance is due to the condemnation of organs at abattoirs and more importantly the risk to people due to the...

Knotty Gut

Knotty gut (also called pimply gut) is a condition of the intestines caused by the larval stage of the nodule worm. It can cause serious production loss and disease on...


Leptospirosis is an infectious disease affecting cattle and less commonly sheep and goats. It causes economic loss through increased abortions and calf deaths....

Liver Fluke

Liver fluke are large flat worm parasites that infect sheep and cattle in high rainfall and irrigated areas. Liver flukes require permanent water and specific snails for the life cycle...

Nitrate Poisoning

Nitrate/Nitrite poisoning is a common plant poisoning, occasionally resulting in large losses. It most commonly occurs the first week after drought breaking rains....

Ovine Brucellosis

Ovine Brucellosis is an infectious disease affecting sheep. It is distinguished by infertility in rams and can significantly affect the reproduction performance of sheep flocks....

Ovine Johne’s Disease

Ovine Johne’s Disease is an infectious and incurable wasting disease of sheep. It is a notifiable disease in Australia and has been heavily regulated in the past....


Pestivirus is a common viral infection in cattle. It can cause reproduction loss, premature death and poor growth calves born with the disease....


Pinkeye is an infection of the eye caused by a bacteria. It causes aggressive inflammation of the eye, often resulting in short term or permanent blindness in cattle....


Pneumonia in sheep is an infection and inflammation of the lungs which in severe cases can extend to the outer layer of the lung, the pleura, and is called pleurisy....