Secure Your Business
Navigating your obligations as an employer is difficult and there can be serious consequences for your business if you don’t follow what’s required. We help you understand the information and give you the advice you need to secure your business and to look after your employees.
For just over $2.70 per day, you can safeguard your business by staying up to date with the latest workplace and industrial relations issues. We deliver regular updates for members on key issues pertaining to employment, clarifying information from the Fair Work Commission, and explaining the information in clear terms to help members understand their employment obligations.

Timely Information & Peace Of Mind
Workplace Relations is a necessity for all businesses small and large in today’s world, due to the ever changing legislation, rules and regulations, and entitlements to employees.
Our Workplace Relations team provides tailored advice and tools to ensure you follow your obligations as an employer.
With access to the VFF Workplace Relations Team you, as a member and employer, can make sure you are doing the right thing by your employees, keeping up-to-date with changes and minimising your chance of any infringement or claims.
Workplace Advisory Services
Included in your Platinum and Gold Membership, VFF members can access a 12 month subscription to all the very latest employment advice and information and heavily discounted tailored services.
Services included:
- Advice on workplace and employment relations
- Telephone advice on wage rates, employment issues, Workcover and superannuation
Critical Advice & Expertise
Areas of advice the Workplace Relations Team can assist with includes:
- Federal/State employment legislation
- The National Employment Standards (NES)
- Interpretation of modern awards
- Wage rate information
- Employment contracts
- Performance counselling
- Warning letters
- Abandonment of employment
- Termination of employment
- Redundancy
- The Fair Work Information Statement
- Workplace policies/procedures
- Workers compensation
- Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S)
- Legislative developments
- Enterprise agreements & bargaining
- Union entry
- Union rule interpretation
- Workplace bullying
- Discrimination
- Adverse action cases
- General protections
- Flexible work arrangements
- Pay and remuneration
- Equal opportunity
- Underpayment of wages
Become a Member
Join us for a better life and greater future
The VFF Workplace Relations team is ready to take your call and help safeguard your business.
- Call us now on 1300 882 833