Who We Are
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) is the collective voice of Victorian dairy farmers, representing its members to all levels of government.
As a commodity group of the Victorian Farmers Federation, the UDV also provides representation on a broad range of agricultural issues affecting all farmers, not just those specific to dairy.

What We Do
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria has a policy packed agenda, including extensive work on on-farm energy, processor contracts and relations, milk price structures and much more to add value to your business.
You can discuss UDV policy work with your local representative, or one of our friendly staff.
Livestock Underpasses
The VFF is a long-term supporter of the installation of livestock underpasses to improve safety of rural roads for the motoring public, livestock, farming families and their employees who regularly take stock across arterials.
VFF has arranged for Vic Roads to publish pre-approved plans that farmers can use to make the installation of livestock underpasses a bit easier.
Victoria’s Dairy Industry
Dairy is Victoria’s largest agricultural industry, with a gross value of $2.6 billion it is the powerhouse of Australia’s dairy farm, manufacturing and export industry.
With over 3,000 dairy farms our state produces more than 5.5 billion litres of milk a year and provides work for 14,800 Victorians on farms and another 11,000 in milk processing factories.
Victoria is export-oriented, accounting for 62% of Australia’s dairy exports. In a typical year billions of dollars’ worth of dairy products passes through the Port of Melbourne, where dairy is one of the largest container exporters.
Become a Dairy (UDV) member
Member Benefits
The VFF UDV Group provides a range of member benefits that extend to all areas of your business.
- Policy Advocacy – Our members are kept up to date with policies and decisions that affect their farm via email, post and through social media.
- Member Offers – Enjoy a wide range of discounts on energy, gas, insurance, accomodation and more.
- Networking and Events – Engage with like-minded individuals, to share and learn from experiences, meet new friends and expand your network.
- Invitations to Meetings – Invitations to attend UDV/VFF branch meetings.
- Access to Resources – Exclusive access to UDV/VFF education, policy and resource material.
- Voting Entitlement – Provides you with 1 voting entitlement per nominee up to a maximum of 2 voting entitlements. An account can have up to 3 nominees.
You must be a UDV member to take advantage of our skilled staff and our extensive range of products, deals and services. Enquire now to get an info pack.
Join us for a better life and greater future
We are a community of farmers creating a profitable, sustainable and socially responsible agricultural industry connecting with all Victorians.
To discuss your needs with a Membership Representative call us now on 1300 882 833.