Victorian economic blueprint needs to protect agricultural land

Media Releases » Victorian economic blueprint needs to protect agricultural land

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has welcomed the Victorian Government recognising farming as a priority sector to boost the state’s productivity, but says a clear strategy to protect important agricultural land is required.  

In response to the Economic Growth Statement released today, VFF President Emma Germano said a balanced approach to land use between competing priority sectors of the economy needs to be taken.  

“The acknowledgment that agribusiness is a priority for the state’s economic growth and competitiveness is very welcome and builds off the VFF’s conversations with government.” 

“Cutting red tape to drive productivity is a key focus for the VFF and we have already made it a priority for our policy work next year. It is positive to see the Victorian Government has this shared commitment.”   

“However, the Economic Growth Statement is missing one key strategy that is required to protect and strengthen Victoria’s food and fibre production.”  

“Whilst the statement recognises agribusiness as a priority, it overlooks the inherent conflict between agricultural land use and the demands of other priority sectors, such as critical minerals and renewable energy development.”  

“The statement is very heavy on seeing mining and renewable energy development over the top of land the produces our food by loosening planning and environmental safeguards.”  

“Victoria produces 30 per cent of the nation’s food from just 1.5 per cent of Australia’s land mass. We are a huge economic contributor and can do more if we commit to protecting our most valuable agriculture farmland.” 

“Agricultural land is a finite resource, and the government must prioritise its long-term viability in any strategy aimed at growing the state’s economy.” 

“At the end of the day, solar panels and wind turbines have an end of life, and mines get filled in. Farming is forever.”  

“The VFF has been consistent in calling on the Victorian Government to implement a clear and robust strategy to identify and protect strategic agricultural land from inappropriate development,” Ms Germano said.