VFF calls on young talent to lead Young Agribusiness Professionals Committee

Media Releases » VFF calls on young talent to lead Young Agribusiness Professionals Committee

The Young Agribusiness Professionals (YAPs) is calling on dedicated young people working in agriculture to help shape the group’s policy direction.

Nominations are now open for the 2018-20 YAPs committee and an application form can be downloaded from the VFF website. Nomination forms and a CV should be emailed to yaps@vff.org.au. Applications close Friday 27 July.

“As an inaugural member of the YAPs committee, who has moved through the ranks from young farmer to President of the VFF, I know how powerful this group is and how important it is to engage young farmers” said David Jochinke, Victorian Farmers Federation President

In order to meet the needs of members, the committee is considering applicants from all backgrounds and agricultural sectors.

“The coming year is an exciting one for the YAPs group. Over the past 6 months the committee has worked closely with the VFF to determine the strategic direction of the Young Agribusiness Professionals group.

“The YAPs committee have identified an opportunity to review the direction of YAPs for the 2018-20 period to ensure it is in line with both the vision of the VFF and the needs of our members. I look forward to seeing what YAPs will achieve in the coming years” said Mr Jochinke.

The YAPs Committee forms one of the seven committees within the Victorian Farmers Federation that advises the Policy Council to form official VFF policy. The committee is made up of one chair and four members, and currently focuses on issues affecting young primary producers and agribusiness professionals.

To be considered for a YAPs committee position, you must be a financial member of the VFF, either as a YAPs member or as a member of your relevant commodity, and aged between 18 and 35 years.

Nomination forms can be downloaded from the VFF website and must be returned, along with a CV by Friday 27 July. Questions about YAPs and completed applications should be emailed to yaps@vff.org.au

Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 10 August 2018.

For media inquiries, please contact Andrew MacDonald on 0418 282 875 or (03) 9207 5524.