Media Releases
Mandatory Code consultation expanded in Victoria
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has today announced three forums in Victoria for round two of the Mandatory Code of Conduct consultation process, following strong advocacy by Victorian dairy farmers. In round two of consultation, farmers can provide…
Promises made, time to Deliver for Agriculture
The Victorian Farmers Federation congratulates the Andrews Government on its re-election, particularly newly appointed Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries who will sit in Parliament for the first time today. “Throughout our election campaign, the Victorian Farmers Federation made it clear to…
Basin Plan Progress but more to do
Common sense has prevailed today at the Murray Darling Ministerial Council with all State and Commonwealth Water Ministers agreeing to socio-economic criteria that properly determines whether water recovery projects have a neutral or positive affect on regional communities. “We’ve been…
Risks to water delivery growing
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) calls on the Murray-Darling Ministerial Council to urgently undertake a review of water deliveries to ensure irrigators will not be restricted during critical peak summer demand. The VFF believes the risk that water will not…
Commonwealth loves Victorian water, but not Victorian irrigators
Analysis by the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has found that Victorian water secured by the Commonwealth through water buyback over the last six years for the Basin Plan is making the largest contribution to the environment. “We have long believed…
New President, new era
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) elected a new President and Vice President at its Policy Council meeting on Wednesday 5 December in Melbourne with Paul Mumford taking the reigns as President and John Keely as Vice President. “Victorian farmers…
Basin plan destroys wealth of rural communities
Victorian irrigators would be about one billion dollars richer if they sold their water to the Commonwealth today rather than in 2008. The Victorian Farmers Federation has compared the price the Commonwealth Government paid for water in 2008 as part…
Look Over the Farm Gate grants open for drought affected farmers
Look Over the Farm Gate grants have opened for farmers and communities facing drought and dry conditions across central and eastern Gippsland and northern Victoria. Community groups in drought affected communities have already begun to apply online for grants of…
A statement from UDV President Adam Jenkins
After much deliberation, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of my decision to stand down as President of the United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) in December. This decision comes with mixed emotions and was not made…
Farmers welcome PM’s announcement to expand the Pacific Labour Scheme
The Victorian Farmers Federation has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement to progressively roll out the Pacific Labour Scheme across all Pacific Island Countries. The current cap of 2,000 places under the scheme will be lifted which will help address the…
Farmer input needed to get code right
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria is encouraging all dairy farmers to have input on what a mandatory code of conduct could mean for them and their industry. Last week Federal Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud announced details of stakeholder consultations…
VFF candidate forums to hit Shepparton and Ovens Valley
State election candidates will be asked how they intend to Deliver for Agriculture during two additional VFF forums to be held in the electorates of Shepparton and Ovens Valley this week. The events in Shepparton and Wangaratta tonight and tomorrow…