Look over the Farm Gate will provide long term fire recovery with $100,000 of funding made available to fire affected communities in south west Victoria.
Look over the Farm Gate is a health and wellbeing initiative made possible by the Victorian Farmers Federation, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Country Women’s Association, Country Fire Authority, National Centre for Farmer Health, and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR).
Victorian Farmers Federation President David Jochinke today announced Look over the Farm Gate will open for applications on Monday 16 July. The announcement was made during the Cobden and Terang Mortlake football netball clubs clash at Cobden Recreation Reserve. The two clubs were playing for the ‘BlazeAid Cup’ in recognition of BlazeAid’s contribution to their communities.
“We encourage community groups in the south west to apply for grants to fund health and wellbeing events or projects” said David Jochinke.
“Look over the Farm Gate is a great opportunity for communities to support each other through different events and initiatives. We hope these grants can help the south west communities not only recover from the fires, but come back even stronger” said Mr Jochinke.
From Monday, community groups can apply for grants of up to $1,500 by going to http://lookoverthefarmgate.org.au/ or contacting the VFF on lookoverthefarmgate@vff.org.au
“Funding can be used to run social events or community initiatives that bring neighbours and the community together to spend some time off farm to relax with family and friends. This may be as simple as hosting a free community barbeque, community tree planting, activities for children or forming a social group to meet regularly” said Adam Jenkins, United Dairyfarmers of Victoria President.
“The March fires we devastating for our farmers, families and communities in south west Victoria. Now that the initial emergency response is over, we cannot forget the long term recovery that is still required” said Mr Jenkins.
Funding also continues to be invested in the south west through the Victorian Farmers Federation and BlazeAid’s partnership to fund a Poles & Wire Drive. The third instalment of matched funding for crucial fencing repairs has brought the total funding to $90,000 to date.
For media inquiries, please contact Andrew MacDonald on 0418 282 875 or (03) 9207 5524.