Council rates top of the agenda for 40th Annual VFF Grains Conference

Media Releases » Council rates top of the agenda for 40th Annual VFF Grains Conference

Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek will open the 40th Annual VFF Grains Group Conference in Geelong on Monday 25 February with a discussion of the Victorian rating strategy.

“Victorian farmers were shocked to receive increased rates bills of up to 52% in 2018. No other business could be expected to survive under such significant cost increases over such a short time period. We need an equitable and sustainable rating system for all Victorians,” said Mr Ross Johns, VFF Grains Group President.

“The Victorian Government has committed to a full review of the rural rating system and we look forward to receiving the terms of reference and timeline for that review from Minister Somyurek at the Conference,” said Mr Johns.

The Conference will host discussions on other critical issues such as social licence, mental health, supply chain efficiency and chemical stewardship.

The Conference will also mark the end of Ross Johns’ two year term as Grains Group President.

“Thank you to all of the growers that worked with and supported the VFF Grains Group. I firmly believe in the VFF. More than ever we must have a voice that advocates for farmers.

“I wish incoming President Ash Fraser, Vice President Craig Henderson, and the new Grains Group Council all the best for the future. Our members can rest assured that they are in capable hands with the new leadership team,” said Mr Johns.

Ashley Fraser will be confirmed as President at the Conference. Ashley farms at Rutherglen in North East Victoria and is Managing Director of Baker Seeds Co, and has served as Vice President of the Grains Group for two years.

40th Annual VFF Grains Conference
When: Monday 25 February, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Where: Novotel Geelong, 10-14 Eastern Beach, Geelong
RSVP: Media can RSVP by emailing or (03) 9207 5538

Media Contacts:
Ross Johns, VFF Grains Group President, 0417 909 225
Heather Smillie, Stakeholder, Media & Communications Officer, 0400 874 589