Agreed to by the VFF Policy Council
Meeting 172
21 June 2021
Policy Statement
- Recognising the critical strategic importance of agriculture and food production, farm businesses must be considered ‘essential users’ in the event of fuel rationing at a federal or state level.
- Australia’s strategic fuel reserves must be located within Australia’s borders in a range of strategic regional locations to minimise risk.
- The Federal Government must commit to maintaining levels of domestic refining capacity.
- The Federal Government should provide incentives that encourage an increase in the quantity of privately stored fuel including but not limited to private on-farm storage to improve Australia’s resilience to fuel shortages.
- Increased fuel stocks must be held by industry and government in the lead up to periods of known increased demand such as fire periods.
- The development of alternative fuels must be encouraged wherever possible and practical, including a road map for on-farm transition and implementation.