Renewable Energy and Transmission Development

Campaigns » Renewable Energy and Transmission Development

Standing up for farming communities

The VFF is supporting farming communities that will be impacted by the roll-out of renewable energy and transmission infrastructure across regional Victoria.

These projects will cut through farmland and will significantly impact the state’s food and fibre production. In some cases, the projects may completely ruin the livelihoods of farming families.

The VFF has long argued there must be a state-wide strategic plan for renewable energy and transmission developments that looks at the next century of the state’s energy needs.

Instead, the Victorian Government is expediting and accelerating development with the threat of steam-rolling over the top of communities.

VFF Policy

The VFF has developed relevant policy statements that guide our advocacy on renewable energy and transmission developments.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Statement

Managing Entry to Farms Policy Statement

Energy and Transmission Taskforce

The VFF Policy Council established  the new VFF Energy and Transmission Taskforce to lead its advocacy on renewable energy and transmission infrastructure development across Victoria and help give farmers a say.

The Taskforce will be led by the VFF’s Planning, Environment and Climate Change Committee Chair, Gerald Leach who will work alongside VFF Horticulture Vice-President, Katherine Myers, VFF Water Councillor Kain Richardson and VFF Gippsland Branch President Hamilton Gerrand, with further members to be appointed. The taskforce will start its work in mid-April 2023. VFF members interested in the work of the taskforce should contact the Policy & Advocacy Team –

The proposed route for the project cuts through valuable and productive farmland producing potatoes, livestock, cereal crops and other food and fibre. The WRL is currently in the process of an Environmental Effects Statement.

VNI West

The VNI West project seeks to expand the transmission interconnector capacity between Victoria and NSW through infrastructure that links renewable energy facilities in both states.