Ryan Maloney

Ryan Maloney

Querying Q fever – the what, why and who

Q fever, once known as query fever, is the most commonly reported zoonotic disease in Australia. While it rarely causes clinical disease in animals, those working across the livestock value chain are at risk, including farmers, farm workers, abattoir workers…

Stopping risk at the gate

Have you heard the phrase ‘Disease arrives on the back of a truck’? The biggest risk for introducing disease or weeds to your property is bringing in new animals. However, bringing in new stock may be a necessary part of…

Are you benefiting from the NSHMP?

The National Sheep Health Monitoring Project (NSHMP) is an abattoir disease surveillance program funded by industry. It monitors 16 animal health conditions that impact farm productivity and impose significant costs to the value chain. Last year over one million sheep…

Making NLIS transfers easy

From 31 March 2018, all electronically tagged sheep and goats must be scanned for property-to-property transfers in Victoria. The receiver must upload this information to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) within 48 hours.  The introduction of electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVDs)…

Livestock traceability – why?

sheep and lamb 2

Australia’s livestock traceability system has the ability to track an animal from paddock to plate, recording the animal’s movements throughout its entire life. This is made possible through the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), established in 1996. However, Australia has…

Battling Heat Stress in Livestock

The first months of summer have seen a number of above average days for both temperature and humidity in Victoria, increasing the risk of heat stress in livestock. Typical signs of heat stress in livestock include: Bunching in the shade…

Managing pestivirus in beef cattle


Pestivirus, also known as BVD, poses a significant risk to beef producers in Victoria. It can increase the risk of abortions, reduce pregnancy rates and suppress the immune system, potentially resulting in fewer replacement heifers and the need to cull…

Animal Health Declarations


With the changes to the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program many producers are more aware of Animal Health Declarations (AHD) which work in conjunction with National Vendor Declaration (NVD) to provide buyers with additional information on the health status of…

Keep an eye out for Pinkeye

Don’t let pinkeye impact stock growth and saleability – address any risk early, particularly in young stock and weaners. Pinkeye is inflammation and damage to the eye commonly caused by bacteria, and flies play a major role in spreading pinkeye…