Ryan Maloney

Ryan Maloney

‘Farmy Army’ callout

We are calling on all willing farmers and their communities to register their need for assistance or to donate their time, produce or resources. The initiative has been dubbed the ‘Farmy Army’ and is part of a long-term plan to help…

Authorised Worker Permits

From 11:59pm Monday 23 August workforce permits will be required for authorised workers when they leave home for work in response to the latest COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria. Farmers and farm workers will require an authorised worker permit to travel…

New guide launched on smart energy management

The National Farmers Federation and Energy Efficiency Council have launched a new guide for farms that are looking to slash their energy costs through smart energy management. The new ‘sector spotlight’ on farms is the latest in the EEC’s Navigating a…

Be counted in the Agriculture Census

The VFF is encouraging all Victorian farmers to take part in the 2020-21 Agricultural Census. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is asking farmers about their agricultural production, land and water use in 2020-21. The participation of farmers is crucial…

Farm Security Checklist

Criminals often target farms and rural properties as their remoteness increases the opportunity to remain undetected. Victoria Police and Crime Stoppers have prepared a checklist to help primary producers assess the security of their properties.