Ryan Maloney

Ryan Maloney

Farmers fed up with Basin politics

The recent Senate Report into the Murray-Darling Basin Plan further demonstrates that rural communities are being treated as political pawns. VFF Water Council Chair Andrew Leahy said farmers and rural communities deserve better from decision makers on an issue that…

Water buyback plan would devastate rural communities

water policy

The Productivity Commission’s Murray-Darling Basin Plan Implementation Review backing of more water buybacks would irreversibly damage Basin farming communities and tears up a decade-long agreement to collaboratively manage the river system. VFF Water Council Chair Andrew Leahy said the 262-page…

European agreement a no-go for farmers

We’re warning the Albanese Government not to sign the Australian-European Free Trade Agreement, labelling it a bad deal for Victorian agriculture. VFF President Emma Germano urged Trade Minister Don Farrell to withhold signing the agreement at the G7 Trade Minister’s…