Wild dog survey- Have your say

Agriculture Victoria is seeking up-to-date data to better understand how wild dogs and dingoes are affecting Victorian livestock farmers. 

The Livestock Predation Survey will collect data from farmers about incidents of livestock predation by wild dogs and dingoes on their properties, including:

  • The levels and frequency of livestock attacks

  • How livestock attacks impact farmers and their local communities

  • The effectiveness and efficiency of lethal and non-lethal control methods.

This survey is targeted to livestock producers across the whole of Victoria. 

Data collected through the survey will help inform a review of the policies and regulations for the management of livestock predation in Victoria. 

The VFF is encouraging members to undertake the survey and to provide feedback on the impact of wild dogs on their farms, families and communities.

Taking part in the survey will help the VFF in our advocacy to government to demonstrate the ongoing need for wild dog and dingo management programs to protect livestock producers. It is important that you provide the following information when completing the survey: 

  • The level and frequency of livestock attacks
  • How livestock attacks impact you and your community – both financially, mentally and from an animal welfare perspective.
  • The effectiveness and efficiency of lethal and non-lethal control methods.
  • Make sure you include all the costs associated with wild dog control including the hours you or your staff spend undertaking wild dog management activities and surveillance:
    • This includes checking stock and fences for wild dog activity as well as any other wild dog control you implement.
    • Also include costs for contractors of wild dog controllers you employ.
    • Make sure you mention frequency of baiting programs, and the effectiveness of 1080, PAPP/PAPPutty and the need to have continued access to these products to ensure effectiveness of vermin control.  

This survey is part of the formal consultation as part of the review the Government is undertaking into control of wild dogs. The VFF is committed to ensuring that farmers have the tools available to protect there farms, livestock and families from the impacts of wild dogs. 

The survey is now open and will close at 11.59pm on 6 August 2024. TAKE THE SURVEY NOW.