A message from the VFF Board of Directors to all VFF Members – Monday 13th May

Good evening,

You may be aware of commentary in the media regarding a meeting last week conducted by some VFF members who falsely claim to have held an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to remove Emma Germano and Danyel Cucinotta, the President and Vice-President, respectively.

As previously communicated with all VFF members on Thursday 18 April 2024, this meeting is inconsequential to the operations of the VFF and its democratically elected leaders. There is no legal effect that can be given to any outcomes from the meeting and all previous EGM requested have been ruled ineligible.

As such, Emma Germano and Danyel Cucinotta continue as the President and Vice-President of the VFF.

The VFF Board is loath to continue discussing and responding to this issue as we are aware that this situation is damaging to the organisation, but we must ensure clarity is provided to the members.

The VFF relies on democratic processes whereby all members make relevant decisions about the company. The VFF Board must defend these principles, both ethically and legally. We understand that some may be of the view that the current President and Vice-President should simply resign to make the problem go away. This would be of grave consequence to the VFF and to the future leaders of the organisation. It would also signal that poor behaviour and a lack of respect for people and good governance will be rewarded.

The organisation is at a critical crossroad, and the Board is being attacked simply for making responsible decisions in order to ensure that the VFF is both sustainable financially and that we are able to influence public policy to protect farming. We are professionalising and modernising policy and advocacy skills and methods to meet the requirements of the 24/7 political and media cycle and the bureaucratisation of government. The advocacy methods from last century simply no longer work.

The VFF is prioritising the use of resources to our core business-state based policy and advocacy activities that commonly impact all Victorian farmers. The VFF is the only organisation in Victoria that has this pursuit as its objective. As always, if you have any questions or need further information, you can contact the VFF here.

Thank you,
VFF Board of Directors.